Seegene Germany

Seegene Highlights Clinical Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System at ASM Microbe 2019

PR Newswire

Jun 24, 2019

2019 American Society for Microbiology Microbe Conference: Booth #1062

SEOUL, Korea, June 21, 2019 ? Seegene Inc. (096530.KQ), a leading developer of multiplex PCR technologies headquartered in South Korea, announced that it has completed the FDA registration of its nucleic acid extraction instrument, the Seegene STARlet, and will begin offering the clinical instrument and Universal Extraction Cartridge Kits in the U.S.

Seegene’s extensive experience and long-standing success as a molecular diagnostic syndromic multiplex assay* and instrument system provider to over 1,000 laboratory networks in 57 countries has resulted in an automated sample processing solution capable of simultaneous handling of a wide variety of sample types using an innovative Universal Extraction Cartridge Kit system. With a throughput of processing 94 samples in about two hours, the system can easily accommodate small laboratories with many different sample types that need to be processed quickly to large laboratories with large batch processing needs.

Utilizing the well-established liquid handler instrumentation and precision technologies developed by Hamilton Company and modified under contract for Seegene and combining that with the proprietary chemistries provided in Seegene’s Universal Extraction Cartridge Kit, the Seegene STARlet system allows superior nucleic acid recovery from such diverse sample and tube/vial types as swabs, aspirates, sputum/bronchoalveolar lavage fluids, whole blood, stool, urine and liquid based cytology samples. Whether targeting bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal or mammalian genomic DNA or RNA, Seegene STARlet system has been extensively tested in the global market.

From its intuitive user interface software to barcode reading and LIS connectivity capabilities for full sample traceability, the Seegene STARlet system provides an efficient, reliable and affordable workflow solution for all U.S. laboratories. Seegene Technologies, the U.S. subsidiary of Seegene Inc. located in Walnut Creek, California, will lead the U.S. sales and marketing efforts.

Currently, the nucleic acid extraction with transfer functions and the Universal Extraction Cartridge System are FDA registered. Seegene is preparing to get additional functions including PCR setup and de-capping and re-capping of liquid based cytology vials FDA registered by the end of 2019.

*Seegene’s molecular diagnostic syndromic multiplex assays not available for sale in the U.S.

About Seegene
Seegene Inc. (096530. KQ) is the world's leading developer of multiplex molecular technologies and multiplex clinical molecular diagnostics (M-MoDx). Seegene's core enabling technologies - DPO™, TOCE™, and MuDT™ - are the foundation for M-MoDx tests that can simultaneously detect multiple targets with high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. Seegene's products detect multi-pathogens with great reliability and throughput, ultimately providing the most economical basis for saving time, labor and cost. Seegene's mission is to maintain leadership in molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases, genetics, pharmacogenetics, and oncology using innovative proprietary technologies. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Seegene Technologies, Inc.
Helen Roberts, Ph.D., (, Tel +1-925-448-8172)

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